Level-C PPE
Info@LevelCPPE.com - 727-580-5997
Level-C PPE
with PAPR
Level-C PPE
A Full-Barrier Precaution
To Limit Exposure to
CBRN Particulates
During and After a CBRN Event.
Level-C PPE with PAPR is Premium
Personal Protective Equipment for
Essential Personnel
Level-C PPE
with PAPR
Welcome to Level-C PPE
Level-C PPE is a
U.S. Brokerage and
Alternative Resource for
Premium, Level-C PPE with PAPR.
Service Developed by a
Medical, Level-C PPE Analyst, RN, Veteran
Our Objective is Simple:
To Find and Forward Level-C PPE for
Tier-1 and Tier-2 Essential Personnel to
Limit Exposure to CBRN Particulates,
During and After an Ordered Evacuation,
Away From a CBRN Hot-Zone or
Away From a CBRN Plume Pathway.
An Official, Ordered Evacuation Notes If Current Conditions Are
Within the Scope of Level-C PPE with PAPR.
LevelCPPE.com --- 727-580-5997
Only Premium, Level-C PPE with PAPR -
Manufacturer's Instructions Included in the
Original Non-Retail Packaging.
Premium, Personal Gamma Alarms and Meters -
Official, CBRN Operations Guidebooks -
Enjoy Full Access to,
"All Things CBRN and Level-C PPE"
Official Information & Training Resources -
News, Articles and Scenarios -
Brokerage Services Orders
All Orders are Managed and Confidential.
LevelCPPE.com is an equipment brokerage.
Level-C PPE Shipments Restricted to a U.S. Address.
PPE Cannot Be Exchanged or Returned. All Sales are Final.
Free Information Consult for
Level-C PPE Go-Packs for
Tier-1 and Tier-2 Essential Personnel.
727-580-5997 --- Info@LevelCPPE.com